Be³chatów, £ódzkie

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Luxury Apartment for fun girl


Odpowiedz: (U¿yj zak³adki Kontakt powy¿ej)

Wiek: 42 lat

Wzrost: 178 cm

Waga: 75 kg

Luxury double room available in a modern 100m2 apartment for a fun girl who wants to be pampered and looked after. All your college fees will be paid and all your living costs taken care of, plus a generous monthly allowance. The apartment also has a cleaner who comes a couple of times per week. You will also have your own TV in your room. I'm a 42 year old businessman and am looking for a fun and attractive girl flatmate. Seeking someone who is looking for an adventure and looking to live an exciting lifestyle. You will be treated as a friend and also get to experience 5* holidays staying in luxury hotels.

If you are interested, send some information about yourself and attach a photo.

P.S. I also speak some Polish :)

Og³oszenie dodane: Piatek, 25 Pazdziernik, 2019  16:40

Identyfikator: 668422

Wy¶wietleñ: 30101

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